#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################### # # # # # EZ Chroot Shellscript Tool # # Makes chroot'ing much less frustrating :) # # # # # # (C) Copyright 2020 Privex Inc. / Someguy123 # # https://www.privex.io // https://peakd.com/@Someguy123 # # # # # # --- Generated at --- # # 2020-SEP-30 05:44:58 AM UTC # # # # # ############################################################################### # # Install: # # sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/ezchroot https://cdn.privex.io/extras/ezchroot.sh # # ALTERNATIVELY - if you don't have / don't like wget, you can use cURL # sudo curl -fsSL -o /usr/local/bin/ezchroot https://cdn.privex.io/extras/ezchroot.sh # # sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ezchroot # # # Use ezchroot interactively # ezchroot # # # Specify a mount point and/or block device to mount # ezchroot /mnt/example /dev/sdc3 # # Skip block device mounting completely. # ezchroot /mnt/example "" # # # Specify a custom shell to use # ezchroot /mnt/example /dev/sdc3 "/usr/bin/zsh" # ezchroot /mnt/example "" "/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /bin/bash" # # ############################################################################### ! [ -z ${ZSH_VERSION+x} ] && _SHTYPE=zsh || _SHTYPE=bash get_var() { eval "printf '%s' \"\$$1\""; } set_var() { eval "export $1=\"$2\""; } _is_number() { grep -qE '^[0-9]+$'; } is_number() { if (( $# > 0 )); then for n in "$@"; do _is_number <<< "$n" _ret=$? if (( _ret != 0 )); then return $_ret; fi done else _is_number fi } is_yes() { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then return 1; fi if is_number "$1" && (( $1 > 0 )); then return 0; fi [[ "$1" == "y" || "$1" == "Y" || "$1" == "yes" || "$1" == "YES" || "$1" == "true" || "$1" == "TRUE" ]] } is_no() { if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then return 1; fi if is_number "$1" && (( $1 <= 0 )); then return 0; fi [[ "$1" == "n" || "$1" == "N" || "$1" == "no" || "$1" == "NO" || "$1" == "false" || "$1" == "FALSE" ]] } # var_intbool [var_name] (var_name2 var_name3...) # convert the variable 'var_name' into an integer boolean (1=yes, 0=no) for use with bash/zsh (( )) # # e.g. # do_stuff='yes' # var_intbool do_stuff # echo "$do_stuff" # output: 1 # var_intbool() { local v_name v_val for v_name in "$@"; do v_val="$(get_var "$v_name")" is_yes "$v_val" && set_var "$v_name" 1 || set_var "$v_name" 0 v_name="" done } : ${ASKQ_APPEND_DEFAULT=1} # askq [output_variable] [question/prompt] # askq [output_variable] [question/prompt] (default/fallback_value) (append_default_prompt=yes) askq() { local out_var="$1" print_q="$2" ans_default="_NO_DEFAULT_SET_" append_prompt="$ASKQ_APPEND_DEFAULT" (( $# > 2 )) && ans_default="$3" (( $# > 3 )) && append_prompt="$4" is_yes "$append_prompt" && append_prompt=1 || append_prompt=0 [[ "$ans_default" != "_NO_DEFAULT_SET_" ]] && (( append_prompt )) && print_q="$print_q ( default: '$ans_default' ): " ! [ -z ${ZSH_VERSION+x} ] && _SHTYPE=zsh || _SHTYPE=bash if [[ "$_SHTYPE" == "zsh" ]]; then vared -p "$print_q" -c "$out_var" else read -p "$print_q" "$out_var" fi if [[ -z "$(get_var $out_var)" ]] && [[ "$ans_default" != "_NO_DEFAULT_SET_" ]]; then echo -e "No answer. Using default value: $ans_default" set_var "$out_var" "$ans_default" fi } # yesno (prompt="Are you sure?") (default) yesno() { local y_prompt="Are you sure?" y_default="_NO_DEFAULT_SET_" y_opts="(y/n)" y_val (( $# > 0 )) && y_prompt="$1" if (( $# > 1 )); then y_default="$2" is_yes "$y_default" && y_opts="(Y/n)" is_no "$y_default" && y_opts="(y/N)" if ! is_yes "$y_default" && ! is_no "$y_default"; then >&2 echo -e "\n [!!!] Invalid default '${y_default}' provided to yesno(). Not using a default.\n" y_default="_NO_DEFAULT_SET_" y_opts="(y/n)" fi fi askq y_val "$y_prompt $y_opts > " "$y_default" no if [[ -z "$y_val" ]]; then if [[ "$y_default" == "_NO_DEFAULT_SET_" ]]; then >&2 echo -e "\n [!!!] Empty reply, but this question has no default option. Please enter one of: y, Y, n, N, yes, no, YES, or NO.\n" yesno "$y_prompt" return $? fi >&2 echo -e "\n >>> No answer given. Using default answer: ${y_default}\n" fi if is_yes "$y_val"; then return 0; fi if is_no "$y_val"; then return 1; fi >&2 echo -e "\n [!!!] Invalid answer '${y_val}'. Please enter one of: y, Y, n, N, yes, no, YES, or NO.\n" yesno "$y_prompt" "$y_default" return $? } # yesno_intbool [var_name] (prompt="Are you sure?") (default) yesno_intbool() { local v_name="$1" yesno "${@:2}" && set_var "$v_name" 1 || set_var "$v_name" 0 } uses_sysd_resolve() { local rootfs_dir="$1" _res local resconf="${rootfs_dir}/etc/resolv.conf" sysd_resolvedir="${rootfs_dir}/run/systemd/resolve" if [[ -d "$sysd_resolvedir" ]]; then return 0; fi if [[ -f "${rootfs_dir}/etc/systemd/resolved.conf" ]]; then return 0; fi if grep -q "nameserver 127.0.0." "$resconf"; then return 0; fi if grep -qi "systemd-resolved" "$resconf"; then return 0; fi if grep -qi "stub" "$resconf"; then return 0; fi return 1 } _inj_ns() { local pdir="$(dirname "$1")" [[ ! -d "$pdir" ]] && echo -en " >> Parent folder $pdir not found. Creating it... " && mkdir -pv "$pdir" touch "$1" echo "nameserver" >> "$1" echo "nameserver" >> "$1" echo "nameserver 2a07:e00::333" >> "$1" } fix_resolve() { local rootfs_dir="${CHRDIR}" (( $# > 0 )) && rootfs_dir="$1" local res_dir="${rootfs_dir}/run/systemd/resolve" local res_stub="${res_dir}/stub-resolv.conf" resolv_conf="${rootfs_dir}/etc/resolv.conf" if uses_sysd_resolve "$rootfs_dir"; then echo -e " >> System at '${rootfs_dir}' appears to use systemd-resolved. Initialising ${res_stub} ..." _inj_ns "$res_stub" else echo -e " >> System at '${rootfs_dir}' doesn't appear to use systemd-resolved. Writing directly to $resolv_conf ..." _inj_ns "$resolv_conf" fi } bind_mounts() { if [[ ! -d proc ]] || [[ -z "$(ls proc)" ]]; then echo -e " [...] ${PWD}/proc not mounted. Mounting now." echo -e " -> $(mount -v -t proc proc proc/) \n" else echo -e " [+++] ${PWD}/proc is non-empty - must be already mounted. Skipping.\n" fi if [[ ! -d sys ]] || [[ -z "$(ls sys)" ]]; then echo -e " [...] ${PWD}/sys not mounted. Mounting now." echo -e " -> $(mount -v --bind /sys sys/) \n" else echo -e " [+++] ${PWD}/sys is non-empty - must be already mounted. Skipping.\n" fi if [[ ! -d dev ]] || [[ -z "$(ls dev)" ]] || ! grep -q "${PWD}/dev" <<< "$(mount)"; then echo -e " [...] ${PWD}/dev not mounted. Mounting now." echo -e " -> $(mount -v --bind /dev dev/) \n" else echo -e " [+++] ${PWD}/dev is non-empty - must be already mounted. Skipping.\n" fi } : ${INITFILE_DEF_LOC="var/tmp/.initfile"} _mk-initfile() { local init_out="${CHRDIR}/${INITFILE_DEF_LOC}" # (( $# > 0 )) && init_out="$1" { echo '[[ -f /etc/bash.bashrc ]] && source /etc/bash.bashrc' echo '[[ -f "${HOME}/.bashrc" ]] && source "${HOME}/.bashrc"' echo 'export PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"' echo 'hostname "$(cat /etc/hostname)"' echo 'export HOSTNAME="$(cat /etc/hostname)"' is_yes "$CHR_MOUNT_FSTAB" && echo 'echo -e " >>> Mounting all filesystems from /etc/fstab now ..."' && echo 'mount -av' echo 'TERM=xterm-256color' "$CHR_SHELL_BASE" echo } > "$init_out" chmod +x "$init_out" &>/dev/null echo "/$INITFILE_DEF_LOC" } : ${AUTO_SET_NS=0} : ${AUTO_MTAB=0} : ${AUTO_DEV=0} : ${AUTO_CHRDIR=0} : ${AUTO_SHELL=0} ezchroot() { : ${CHR_SHELL_BASE="/bin/bash"} : ${CHR_SHELL="/bin/bash"} : ${CHR_DEV=""} : ${CHRDIR="/mnt/root"} : ${CHR_SET_NS='yes'} : ${CHR_MTAB='yes'} : ${CHR_MOUNT_FSTAB='no'} : ${CHR_INIT_FILE=1} local cr_dev init_file_loc="" (( $# > 0 )) && CHRDIR="$1" && AUTO_CHRDIR=1 (( $# > 1 )) && cr_dev="$2" && AUTO_DEV=1 (( $# > 2 )) && CHR_SHELL="$3" && AUTO_SHELL=1 is_yes "$CHR_MTAB" && CHR_MTAB='yes' || CHR_MTAB='no' is_yes "$CHR_SET_NS" && CHR_SET_NS='yes' || CHR_SET_NS='no' echo -e "If you haven't yet mounted the partition/volume you want to chroot into, you may enter the path to" echo -e "it's block device / image file (e.g. /dev/vda2) at the following question and we'll mount it for you.\n" echo -e "If you don't need us to mount the chroot base filesystem for you, just hit enter at the prompt.\n" (( AUTO_DEV )) || askq cr_dev "(optional) Block device / image file to mount: " "$CHR_DEV" echo if [[ -n "$cr_dev" ]]; then echo -e " >> You've selected the block device '${cr_dev}'. At the following question, you should enter" echo -e " >> the mountpoint folder where you'd like to mount it. It will be auto-created if it doesn't already exist.\n" fi (( AUTO_CHRDIR )) || askq CHRDIR "Enter the path to the filesystem you want to chroot into" "$CHRDIR" echo if [[ -n "$cr_dev" ]]; then [[ ! -d "$CHRDIR" ]] && echo -en " [+++] Folder '${CHRDIR}' not found. Creating it..." && echo -e " [---]" "$(mkdir -pv "$CHRDIR")" grep -q "$CHRDIR" <<< "$(mount)" || echo -en "\n [+++] Device/Image '${cr_dev} not mounted at $CHRDIR - mounting now..." && \ echo -e " [---]" "$(mount -v "$cr_dev" "$CHRDIR")" "\n" fi (( AUTO_SHELL )) || askq CHR_SHELL "Shell to use within the chroot (inc. arguments if needed)" "$CHR_SHELL" (( AUTO_SHELL )) || askq CHR_SHELL_BASE "Shell / interpreter to be launched by the init script (inside the chroot) after the chroot is activated" "$CHR_SHELL_BASE" # if grep -q '/bash' <<< "$CHR_SHELL"; then yesno_intbool CHR_MOUNT_FSTAB "Auto-mount all filesystems in ${CHRDIR}/etc/fstab after entering the chroot?" "$CHR_MOUNT_FSTAB" # fi echo (( AUTO_MTAB )) || yesno_intbool CHR_MTAB "Auto-copy /etc/mtab from host system if needed?" "$CHR_MTAB" echo (( AUTO_SET_NS )) || yesno_intbool CHR_SET_NS "Auto-configure DNS resolver configs in the chroot ( e.g. /etc/resolv.conf ) ?" "$CHR_SET_NS" var_intbool CHR_SET_NS CHR_MTAB is_yes "$CHR_SET_NS" && CHR_SET_NS=1 || CHR_SET_NS=0 echo cd "$CHRDIR" bind_mounts (( CHR_SET_NS )) && fix_resolve "$CHRDIR" IFS=" " read -r -a CHR_SHELL <<< "$CHR_SHELL" (( CHR_INIT_FILE )) && init_file_loc="$(_mk-initfile)" chroot_args=( "$CHRDIR" "${CHR_SHELL[@]}" ) if [[ -n "$init_file_loc" ]]; then chroot_args+=("$init_file_loc") fi echo -e "\n !!! Entering CHROOT now !!!\n" echo -e " Command:\n" echo -e " chroot ${chroot_args[*]}" echo -e "\n !!! Entering CHROOT now !!!\n" chroot "${chroot_args[@]}" } ezchroot "${@:1}"