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When loading the `loglevelnext.js` script in the client (browser), the script will assign `window.log` to an instance of [`LogLevel`](docs/LogLevel.md), wrapped with that same extra sugar. ### Methods Please see [`LogLevel`](docs/LogLevel.md) for documentation of all methods and properties of every log instance, including the default instance. #### `trace`, `debug`, `info`, `warn`, `error` These methods correspond to the available log levels and accept parameters identical to their `console` counterparts. eg. ```js console.info('...'); console.info('...'); // ... etc ``` #### `getLogger(options)` Returns a new `LogLevel` instance. The `options` parameter should be an `Object` matching the options for the [`LogLevel`](docs/LogLevel.md) constructor. _Note: the logger returned is cached, and subsequent requests for a logger of the same name will return the same logger instance. If you require multiple unique loggers of the same name, pass an `id` property with a unique identifier and `getLogger` will use that over the `name`._ #### `noConflict()` When using `loglevelnext` in a browser environment, you may encounter a scenario in which `window.log` is already assigned when the script loads, resulting in `window.log` being reassigned to `loglevelnext`. This method will restore `window.log` to it's original value and return the default logger. ### Properties #### `factories` Type: `Array [ Class ]` Gets an `Array` containing the factory classes available within `loglevelnext` to outside modules. Particularily useful when creating plugins. eg. ```js const log = require('loglevelnext'); const { MethodFactory } = log.factories; class MyFactory extends MethodFactory { ... } ``` #### `loggers` Type: `Array [ LogLevel ]` Gets an `Array` containing references to the currently instantiated loggers. ## Factories aka Plugins If you're used to using plugins with `loglevel`, fear not. The same capabilities are available in `loglevelnext`, but in a much more straightforward and structured way. `loglevelnext` supports by way of "Factories." A `Factory` is nothing more than a class which defines several base methods that operate on the `console` and provide functionality to a `LogLevel` instance. All factories must inherit from the [`MethodFactory`][methodFactory] class, and may override any defined class functions. For an example factory, please have a look at the [`PrefixFactory`][prefixFactory] which provides similar functionality as the [loglevel-prefix](loglevelpre) plugin, and is the factory which is used when a user passes the `prefix` option to a `LogLevel` instance. ## Persisting the Level Persisting the level of a log between sessions in a browser isn't the job of a logging library. Primarily because working with `localStorage` these days is a breeze. If you need to store and retrieve a log level value between sessions, please look into leveraging the excellent and very tiny [`store2`](https://github.com/nbubna/store) library. ## Browser Support As mentioned, `loglevelnext` is a logging library for Node.js and _modern_ browsers, which means the latest versions of the major browsers. Unfortunately "oldIE" versions aren't officially supported. The minimum Internet Exploder version supported is IE10, though [Microsoft no longer supports it][oldie]. If you're in need of support for old or outdated browser versions, please use the older [loglevel][loglevel], which supports browsers as old as IE6. _Note: This library's distribution file is compiled in a way that will technically work all the way back to IE8 - as that version and above support `localStorage`. However, IE8 and IE9 require that the developer tools be open prior to invoking this library._ ## Contributing We welcome your contributions! Please have a read of [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for more information on how to get involved. ## Attribution _This project is a fork of the much-loved [loglevel](loglevel) module._ Base Log SVG by [Freepik](http://www.freepik.com/) from [www.flaticon.com](http://www.flaticon.com). ## License #### [MIT](./LICENSE) [npm]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/loglevelnext.svg [npm-url]: https://npmjs.com/package/loglevelnext [node]: https://img.shields.io/node/v/loglevelnext.svg [node-url]: https://nodejs.org [deps]: https://david-dm.org/shellscape/loglevelnext.svg [deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/shellscape/loglevelnext [devdeps]: https://david-dm.org/shellscape/loglevelnext/dev-status.svg [devdeps-url]: https://david-dm.org/shellscape/loglevelnext [tests]: http://img.shields.io/travis/shellscape/loglevelnext.svg [tests-url]: https://travis-ci.org/shellscape/loglevelnext [cover]: https://codecov.io/gh/shellscape/loglevelnext/branch/master/graph/badge.svg [cover-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/shellscape/loglevelnext [loglevel]: https://githhub.com/pimterry/loglevel [loglevelpre]: https://github.com/kutuluk/loglevel-plugin-prefix [oldie]: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsforbusiness/end-of-ie-support [methodFactory]: lib/MethodFactory.js [prefixFactory]: factory/PrefixFactory.js