# gulp-rtlcss [![MIT Licence][licence-image]][licence-url] [![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Dependency Status][david-dm-image]][david-dm-url] [Gulp](http://gulpjs.com) plugin that uses [RTLCSS](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss) to convert LTR CSS to RTL. ## Install ```bash $ npm install --save-dev gulp-rtlcss ``` ## Basic Usage ```js var gulp = require('gulp'); var rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss'); gulp.task('default', function () { return gulp.src('styles.css') .pipe(rtlcss()) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); }); ``` ## Configuration The plugin optionally accepts RTLCSS configuration either as an argument or with a file named `.rtlcssrc` or `.rtlcssrc.json`. See the [RTLCSS documentation](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss) for more information about accepted configuration. ## Example The below example will result in 2 copies of each stylesheet, one LTR stylesheet and one RTL stylesheet (with "-rtl" appended to the filename before the extension). The example uses autoprefixer, this is just an example of other CSS post-processing being used before rtlcss. ```js var gulp = require('gulp'); var autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); var rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps'); gulp.task('styles', function () { return gulp.src(['/styles/*.css']) .pipe(sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(autoprefixer(["last 2 versions", "> 1%"])) // Other post-processing. .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')) // Output LTR stylesheets. .pipe(rtlcss()) // Convert to RTL. .pipe(rename({ suffix: '-rtl' })) // Append "-rtl" to the filename. .pipe(sourcemaps.write('dist')) // Output source maps. .pipe(gulp.dest('dist')); // Output RTL stylesheets. }); ``` ## Change Log ### 1.0.0 - 2016-02-18 - [#6](https://github.com/jjlharrison/gulp-rtlcss/issues/6) Upgrade to RTLCSS 2. ### 0.1.4 - 2015-01-28 - [#2](https://github.com/jjlharrison/gulp-rtlcss/issues/2) Add support for RTLCSS configuration. [david-dm-image]: http://img.shields.io/david/jjlharrison/gulp-rtlcss.svg?style=flat [david-dm-url]: https://david-dm.org/jjlharrison/gulp-rtlcss [npm-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/v/gulp-rtlcss.svg?style=flat [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.org/package/gulp-rtlcss [travis-image]: http://img.shields.io/travis/jjlharrison/gulp-rtlcss.svg?style=flat [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/jjlharrison/gulp-rtlcss [licence-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/l/gulp-rtlcss.svg?style=flat [licence-url]: https://tldrlegal.com/license/mit-license