MS-DOS 2.x

Originally 86-DOS, written by Tim Paterson of Seattle Computer Products, DOS was a rough clone of CP/M for 8086 based hardware. Microsoft purchased it and licensed it to IBM for use with Microsoft's IBM PC language products. In 1982, Microsoft began licensing DOS to other OEMs that ported it to their custom x86 hardware and IBM PC clones.

For IBM-specific releases, please see the IBM PC-DOS product page.

Release notes

DOS 2.x adds support for subdirectories and larger (as in 10 MB) disks.

Installation instructions

Important: Some of these OEM versions will only run, or run properly on the specific computers they were designed for. Similarly, those computers will normally only run their special OEM version.

The following are known not to boot, by design, on IBM PC's or 100% compatibles: DEC Rainbow, Wang Professional Computer, TI Professional Computer, SCP (Seattle Computer Products), Otrona Attache, Zenith Z-100 (But Z-100 PC is OK), NEC APC, and Tiki-100 8-16 rev. C. (Possibly a couple others).

Product type
Release date
Minimum CPU
User interface
Download count
1378 (36 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.00 (Eagle Computer OEM r1.01) [Eagle Spirit] (5.25-360k) 2.00 (Eagle Computer OEM r1.01)[Eagle Sp English 141.92KB 4
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.00 [Olivetti M20 OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.00 [Olivetti M20 OEM] English 94.7KB 4
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.00 [SCP OEM] [SCP Tarbell S-100] (8-inch SSSD) 2.00 [SCP OEM] [SCP Tarbell S-100] English 281.51KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.00 [Seequa Chameleon] (5.25-360k) 2.00 [Seequa Chameleon] English 70.79KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.00 [Xerox 820 16-8] (5.25-360k) 2.00 [Xerox 820 16-8] English 64.71MB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.01 [DEC Rainbow] (5.25-SSQD 400k) 2.01 [DEC Rainbow] English 118.43KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.05 [DEC Rainbow OEM] (5.25-SSQD 400k) 2.05 [DEC Rainbow OEM] English 285.45KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.1 [Eagle Computer OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.1 [Eagle Computer OEM] English 130.02KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.10 [Wang Professional Computer OEM r1.22] (5.25-360k) 2.10 [Wang Professional Computer OEM r1. English 466.99KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.10a [Wang Professional Computer OEM r2.01] (5.25-360k) 2.10a [Wang Professional Computer OEM r2 English 1.05MB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [ATT 6300 OEM r1.0] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [ATT 6300 OEM r1.0] English 282.97KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [ATT 6300 OEM r2.0] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [ATT 6300 OEM r2.0] English 246.16KB 3
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Bull Micral OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Bull Micral OEM] English 165.35KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Commodore OEM] [German] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Commodore OEM] German 142.88KB 2
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Compaq OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Compaq OEM] English 161.97KB 7
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Corona Data Systems OEM] (5.25-320k) 2.11 [Corona Data Systems OEM] English 596.48KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [DATAVUE OEM] (3.5-720k) 2.11 [DATAVUE OEM] English 10.82MB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [DEC Rainbow] (5.25-SSQD 400k) 2.11 [DEC Rainbow] English 162.92KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Data General OEM] (3.5-720k) 2.11 [Data General OEM] English 196.16KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Epson OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Epson OEM] English 128.08KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Hyperion] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Hyperion] English 168.4KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [ITT XTRA OEM r2.00] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [ITT XTRA OEM r2.00] English 149.6KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Kaypro 2000 OEM] (3.5-720k) 2.11 [Kaypro 2000 OEM] English 765.4KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Leading Edge OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 (Leading Edge OEM) English 149.44KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Leading Edge OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Leading Edge OEM] English 2.53MB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Morrow Pivot r2.11B] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Morrow Pivot r2.11B] English 155.3KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [NCR Decision Mate V] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [NCR Decision Mate V] English 109.38KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [NCR OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [NCR OEM] English 146.1KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [NEC APC r01] (8-inch DSDD) 2.11 [NEC APC r01] English 15.23MB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Olivetti OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Olivetti OEM] English 470.53KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Olympia People] [German] (5.25-DSQD) 2.11 [Olympia People] German 193.55KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Osborne 3 OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Osborne 3 OEM] English 74.11KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Otrona Attache] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Otrona Attache] English 160.47KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Sanyo MBC-550 OEM r1.00] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Sanyo MBC-550 OEM r1.00] English 92.25KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [TI Professional Computer OEM r2.11] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [TI Professional Computer OEM r2.11 English 406.61KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [TI Professional Computer OEM r2.13] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [TI Professional Computer OEM r2.13 English 1.43MB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [TI Professional Computer OEM r2.13] Manuals 2.11 [TI Professional Computer OEM r2.13 English 10.09MB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Tandy 1000 OEM] (02.11.00) (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Tandy 1000 OEM] (02.11.00) English 148.28KB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Tandy 1000 OEM] (02.11.22) (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Tandy 1000 OEM] (02.11.22) English 157.42KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Tandy 1000 OEM] (02.11.24) (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Tandy 1000 OEM] (02.11.24) English 2.45MB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Tandy 2000 OEM] (02.01.00) (5.25-DSQD 720k) 2.11 [Tandy 2000 OEM] (02.01.00) English 401.54KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Tandy 2000 OEM] (02.02.00) (5.25-DSQD 720k) 2.11 [Tandy 2000 OEM] (02.02.00) English 206.07KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Tiki-100 8-16 rev. C] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Tiki-100 8-16 rev. C] English 74.55KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Toshiba OEM R2A] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Toshiba OEM R2A] English 93KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Toshiba T1100 Plus OEM] (3.5-720k) 2.11 [Toshiba T1100 Plus OEM] English 1.69MB 2
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Visual Commuter OEM r1.9] (1985) (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Visual Commuter OEM r1.9] English 189.75MB 1
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 [Wyse 1100 OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.11 [Wyse 1100 OEM] English 115.89KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 and 1.25 [Zenith Z100 PC] (5.25-320k) 2.11 and 1.25 [Zenith Z100 PC] English 612.24KB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.11 and 1.25 [Zenith Z100 PC] Manuals 2.11 and 1.25 [Zenith Z100 PC] English 150.16MB 0
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.12 [Compaq OEM] (5.25-360k) 2.12 [Compaq OEM] English 163.7KB 2
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.13 (Zenith OEM) [Z-100] (5.25-360k) 2.13 (Zenith OEM) [Z-100] English 279.96KB 2
Microsoft MS-DOS 2.2 [TeleVideo Systems OEM] (5.25) (Not bootable - Needs redump) 2.2 [TeleVideo Systems OEM] English 137.51KB 1


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